Thursday, May 21, 2009

And the Result Is...

Well, I am impressed. No more than two days after having sent a general email to staff seeking participants for a general circle, I already have received well over half a dozen very interested replies. People want to get involved! And this brings me so, so much relief! To think that there are others who actually want to get together and work collectively to make our College an even better place to work fills me with so many great emotions...

This week the College has been fortunate to have a special guest sharing his experience on Student Recruitment Management. He is quite the guy, with more energy than most and such a contagious drive! I have spent nine hours in his workshops so far, and there are three more tomorrow, and I am eager to get some of the great ideas that have come out into action! It feels so nice to feel like the troops are motivated and feeling like they can make a difference! I cannot wait to see what will come out of all this!

Of course, there are, once again, the nay-sayers... those who claim that everything has been tried before, that we used to do this or that, and it just stopped, or that we are too busy to change, or blah blah blah... I have to say, I just wish we had the systems in place so that these people could really voice their issues... so that we could help then with their needs, and move on as a group. But we are not there yet, so we will have to wait and see. But for the most part, team spirits are running high, and that can only mean good things are coming our way!

I wonder how DG will tie in to Student Recruitment Management. To me, they are a natural fit!

Way to go Yukon College!!!

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